Maud Franca

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Maud Franca, Deputy Director, Future Investment Program, in charge of digital economy, Caisse des dépôts et consignation (CDC). Maud Franca has been working for 20 years in Innovation, to promote a new model of society and economy for the next generation.
She took part of the initiative of the “French Tech” government program by co-writing the report « Quartiers Numériques » submitted by the CDC to the government in June 2013. This program promotes the growth of startups in France as strategic tools for the diffusion of open innovation as well as new economic and social models. In 2014, she integrated the Future Investment Program, where she contributed to the development of this federating initiative, acknowledged as an achievement for the French startup ecosystem. Her convition is that culture has an important role to play in the conception of the future societies. Since 2010, through the fund of Digital Society (FSN) she works with many cultural institutions to promote the valorization of culture in the digital age and make strategic public investments in that way (eg Festival d’Avignon, Festival d’Aix, French Tech Culture, 104 Factory, Centre Pompidou, Ircam, BNF, etc.). She is in charge for the fund « Culture, Numérique et Patrimoine » launched in December 2016 (140M€).


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