Tech Project

Applied photosynthesis
Open Call
In Residency
Residency Outcome
bio art, design and application of photosynthesis for renewable energy and sustainable technology
From Jan. 1, 2018 to Jan. 1, 2022
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Description of the challenges faced by the Tech Project

Photosynthetic organisms and their molecular machinery are being probed for solar fuels and solar electricity generation in a sustainable, and circular technology. A plethora of techniques, from biochemistry, light spectroscopy to electrochemistry is being applied to elucidate the possibilities and to construct devices. The project technology includes microbial fuel cells, living photosynthetic colonies that produce electricity and can power small devices. The objectives are to investigate speculative designs or proof of principle designs of biosolar cells, microbial fuel cells, or applied photosynthesis in general. These futuristic machines take the science of bioelectronics, artificial intelligence, quantum biology and solar energy to a far extreme allowing speculations on newest scientific insights, the interactions between fundamental science and society, the role of humans as biological species in preserving other species, or any other intellectual drive artists may have.

Brief description of technology

challenges will be to increase the power output per area, stability of systems besides technology include biosolar cells, solar panels constructed of biological, photosynthetic enzymes, operating on electrodes to produce electricity, challenge is to create power, or to store electrons in a capacitor prior power delivery. Devices that are either speculative design, or proof of principle may be completely independent from human needs and aid other organisms, or simply exist. Such devices may be used as exemplary of the techniques feasibility, or, to reflect on what technology is, or any other issue relating to human hubris in saving the world after (almost) destroying it.

What the project is looking to gain from the collaboration and what kind of artist would be suitable

objectives are to investigate speculative designs or proof of principle designs of biosolar cells, microbial fuel cells, or applied photosynthesis in general. These futuristic machines take the science of bioelectronics, artificial intelligence, quantum biology and solar energy to a far extreme allowing speculations on newest scientific insights, the interactions between fundamental science and society, the role of humans as biological species in preserving other species, or any other intellectual drive artists may have.

Resources available to the artist

artists will get an official guest status of the university which include access to the university building and labs, internet and email connections. resources are access to a bio art wet lab, makers lab which include lasercutter, 3d printer and a range of smaller tools, assistance by electrical and mechanical engineering workshop of the physics dept, chemicals and equipment provided by the laboratory availability of the lab and office space will exceed the residency, allowing continuation or deeper investigations following up the project.