Tech Project
Description of the challenges faced by the Tech Project
Objective 1 - Analyse the dynamics of co-creative processes of teams dealing with digital and physical prototypes Objective 2 - Develop the SAR-based responsive ICT platform, i.e. the SPARK platform Objective 3 - Study and analyse how and to what extent the SAR technology can stimulate and enhance design creativity through a comparison against pre-defined metrics in real operational design environments Objective 4 - Demonstrate the effectiveness of the SPARK platform in wider real contexts and show cases
Brief description of technology
The activities of WP2 - Development of SPARK modules aim at selecting and validating the most suitable technologies and techniques to be embedded in the platform also on the basis of the specifications provided by the users, which have been defined in WP1. The SPARK platform modules will address aspects, such as visualization, interaction, data management, etc. In principle, the Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) will be used for the visualization module, while the interaction module will be based on gesture recognition techniques. These modules will provide the user with an intuitive and easy-to-use working environment.
What the project is looking to gain from the collaboration and what kind of artist would be suitable
SPARK has been conceived to support design collaboration in the design industry. The collaboration with an artist could allow the exploration of two different opportunities: - the involvement of the artist in participatory design sessions to increase the creative potential of the design team; - the application of the SPARK technology as a means to support the creative activities of the artist her/himself. In this perspective, an artist working on visual arts, (especially drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, video) seems to be the most suitable profile to involve in the project.
Resources available to the artist
Office facility, internet connection, access to the lab where the SPARK platform is developed, opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts with the ICT developing team as well as with the partners representing the end-users of the SPARK technology, with specific reference to Artefice Group whose facility are in Milan not far from Politecnico di Milano