Tech Project

Open Call
In Residency
Residency Outcome
AIO is a big data and AI driven observatory and policy making instrument on AI research and tech innovation.
From Jan. 9, 2017 to Jan. 9, 2019
  • Schermata

Description of the challenges faced by the Tech Project

The project uses advanced Natural Language Analysis, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies and functionalities to extract structured information and knowledge from a variety of sources like articles, websites, social media, images, books, online discussions and more. This is done in multiple languages (currently 29), and on large amounts of data and content, obtaining big data which needs to be analyzed in order to extract meaning from it, in ways which are useful for policymaking.

Brief description of technology

This kind of activity raises a series of challenges which are technical and technological, but also social and cultural (for example in the possibility to analyse different languages and content produced by different cultures), and also ones which are related to the ways in which these meanings can be communicated and used. For this, an artistic approach could be used all along the line: from the ways in which data and content is captured, to the ways in which it is processed (maybe also having a critical approach to the algorithms and schemes which they produce), to the ways in which knowledge and information is represented, visualized, manipulated, interacted with, communicated, and more. The artist will be able to use all of these technologies both under the form of functional modules which can be used to create visualizations or other representations using programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, C, Java and others, and through ready made software products, which allow working with the data and functionalities, to extract other, processed, data and information, or to create generative representations which can be then further processes using other software or programs.

What the project is looking to gain from the collaboration and what kind of artist would be suitable

We would like an artist which is able to work with software code of any kind, and who possibly is able to crate manifestations of data in architectural spaces, for example through visualizations, interaction, immersivity, data sculptures or else. The primary objective is to find convenient, effective, engaging, interactive, aesthetically pleasing, curiosity-raising ways in which to represent large quantities of knowledge and information.

Resources available to the artist

For the residency we will be able to contribute a working environment with desk, computer, tables, various multimedia elements (large screens, projectors), lab space and also access to production facilities (for example fablabs, craftsmen etc). Staff will be available on site for the technical and technological issues, within regular office hours. The resident will have the keys to the headquarters and, thus, will be able to maintain preferred working hours. There is also an auditorium and exhibit space available, which can be freely used by reserving it. On two days each month a space in the prestigious Palazzo Sturzo in the heart of Rome's Historical center, near Piazza Navona can be used by the artist for presentations, shows, and more.