Tech Project
Description of the challenges faced by the Tech Project
Within the project we plan to provide concrete examples of how content re-use and dance in particular can be used for the promotion of a destination (especially less popular ones). This is a challenge on which the artist will be invited to help with. Currently one such planned concrete example is a video mapping activity using Europeana performance content. FST will coordinate this. As a regional DMO and in-house foundation of the Tuscany Region, FST can count on a large regional network (including local authorities, municipalities, associations, private companies...) with whom it had previously collaborated and collaborates still now, organising digital communication initiatives and physical events. The location selected is the Carrara marble quarries because of their historical, cultural and environmental features, as well to the prior collaboration between FST and the municipality and location. FST will subcontract the video-mapping activity to a skilled provider, able to accomplish this specific service. The selection of the subcontractor will be managed through a competitive public tender, and several providers will be invited to send their commercial bid.
Brief description of technology
Within the project we will build 3 new tools integrated under a common portal which allows users to easily select content of interest, build personal collections of Europeana materials, enrich those (especially videos) with additional annotations, and mix it with their own content in digital scrapbooks and use new forms of storytelling to share with the world curated views of their interests. More specifically: MovesCollect browser plug-in, allowing users to mark content (images, videos) of interest and save it to her personal CultureMoves account MovesScrapbook, a web-tool for creating personal digital scrapbooks. Users can manage the content collected with MovesCollect (e.g. tag, search, filter) , upload their own materials and organise content (e.g. thematic collections, presentations, stories). Organised content can be made public: published on the CultureMoves portal, shared via social media, embedded into other websites/blogs MovesAnnotator, a web-based video annotator, especially designed for dance content. Timeline based approach with multiple annotation tracks, including text, images and touchpen or mouse drawings.(esp. for choreographers). Additional specific domain tracks will be supported, like pre-defined marks for given events, “light changes”, position of dancer on stage; it includes real-time annotation, voice annotation, play/search and export of annotations.
What the project is looking to gain from the collaboration and what kind of artist would be suitable
The interdisciplinary character of CultureMoves brings together dance professionals, researchers, students, technologists and the tourism sector. Through the collaboration with an artist we would like to get new and creative ideas and examples of how dance and content reuse can be used in the tourism sector. Although we think that experts in video projections, visual artists, as well as interactive performance creators could be best suited for this residency we are very open to other profiles and ideas.
Resources available to the artist
The artist will have full access to the tools developed within the Culture Moves project. The artist will also have access to insights from the ongoing research on the use of dance for tourism and education. The artist will be free to use the networks of the partners as well as interact directly with key staff members. The artist will have access to Europeana and other content sources (e.g. Siobhan Davies archives). C-DaRE has close ties with Siobhan Davies Dance, Independent Dance, Early Dance Circle, Society for Dance Research and Dance HE. On an international level the Centre is closely linked with Motion Bank (Germany), SIBMAS the International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentation Centres of the Performing Arts (France), The Theatre and Performance Research Association (UK), The International Federation for Theatre Research and the Society for Dance History (USA) Staff at C-DARE are also still active dancers and choreographers. From 2010 FST has developed and supported activities in the audiovideo and cinematographic sector, following the incorporation of the Mediateca Regionale Toscana (the Tuscan Regional Multimedia Library).