Although the originators of quantum theory were convinced that perceiving, let alone manipulating individual atoms would forever remain a mere thought experiment, their conclusions were decisively inverted by the invention of the laser-cooled ion trap. Not only did it enable the first observations of a single atom’s quantum behaviour, it is currently paving the way towards quantum computing and exotic physics beyond the Standard Model.
In collaboration with the 5th Physical Institute of Stuttgart University, the artists propose to develop Atom Chasm, a laser-cooled atom observatory probing the slippery frontier between quantum and quotidian reality. The first artwork to ever be presented on the atomic scale, Atom Chasm will be an immersive ion trap installation, enabling audiences to intimately confront such paradoxical phenomena as quantum jumps and the symmetry breaking of the early universe. These confrontations will prompt a wealth of philosophical questions as to the nature and provenance of matter, as well as to the limits of human knowledge.